Instant messaging platform Telegram has rolled out a significant update, version 10.5.0, introducing a host of new Dynamic Animation, Improved Calls, and Feature-Rich. The update encompasses enhanced calls with vibrant new designs, a unique vaporization effect for deleted messages, and what Telegram declares as the most substantial bot update in its history.
Upgraded Calls for a Refreshing Experience
One of the key highlights of the Telegram v10.5.0 update is the revamped calling experience. Telegram has introduced new Telegram Dynamic Animation backgrounds that automatically adjust based on the call’s status—whether it’s ringing, active, or concluded. This colorful new design not only adds aesthetic appeal but also optimizes resource utilization. Additionally, the update addresses several bugs and glitches, contributing to an overall improvement in call quality.
Thanos Snap Effect: Vaporizing Messages in Style
Telegram is bringing a touch of cinematic flair to message deletion with the introduction of the ‘Thanos Snap Effect.’ When messages are deleted, they now undergo a vaporization process, transforming into a million pixels in a visually stunning animation. This effect is not limited to manual deletions but also extends to auto-delete messages, offering users a novel and entertaining way to clear their chat history.
Epic Bot Update: Unleashing Bot API 7.0
In what Telegram touts as the most extensive bot update in its history, the platform has introduced Bot API 7.0.
New features and improvements to the Bot Platform:
- Full Reaction Support: Bots now have complete reaction support, enhancing their interactive capabilities within the platform.
- Replies 2.0: An evolved version of replies, offering enhanced functionality and engagement.
- Link Preview Customization: Bots gain the ability to customize link previews, adding a layer of personalization to shared content.
- Batch Actions: Bots can now execute batch actions, allowing them to delete multiple messages in a single request.
- Giveaway Support: A new feature facilitating giveaways through bots, adding versatility to interactive experiences.
Developers can explore the comprehensive changelog for a detailed overview of the updates and improvements introduced in the Bot Platform.
The Telegram v10.5.0 update is now available for users, and the platform encourages users to explore the enhanced calling features, enjoy the visually captivating Thanos Snap Effect, and experience the new era of bot interactions with Bot API 7.0.
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