ZOOOK, India’s Numero Uno Speaker brand has further expanded its portfolio with the launch of Supernova, a Bluetooth-enabled Tower Speaker with an impactful output of 100W for just Rs 6,999. The powerful speaker not just boasts pocket-friendly prices but also excellent features that make this one a must-buy. This 32 inches Tower Speaker has 8 inches woofer that produces extreme bass and 4”x2 Speakers that are packed with precision in the compact device. It can be easily connected to computers, mobile phones, TVs, etc. for an immersive sound experience.
“ZOOOK Supernova is loaded with features to give the users an experience worth remembering, coupled with an impactful extreme Bass. It is our endeavor to give consumers a perfect amalgamation of innovative technology and elegant looks to give them unmatched music quality. Moreover, Supernova will be apt for Valentine’s Day, which is around the corner. At parties, couples can stream those romantic songs endlessly and express their love on the wireless microphone. It will also be the perfect accompaniment for couples who like to spend quiet evenings together because music is all you need to express love,” said ZOOOK’s Country Head-India, Achin Gupta on the occasion of the launch.