WhatsApp is unveiling a new feature that enables users to send higher-quality “HD” images through its messaging platform. The announcement was made by Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg via his Meta broadcast channel on Instagram, stating, “Sharing photos on WhatsApp just got an upgrade. Now you can send in HD.”
Rolling out globally in the coming weeks, this feature allows users with the update to transmit higher-resolution images (although still compressed from the original) from Android, iOS, or the web. Recipients using any platform will notice a small icon indicating the enhanced image quality. Support for HD videos is also on the horizon, according to Meta.
Upon receiving the update, users will find an “HD” gear icon when adding an image to a message thread, as revealed in beta versions shared by WABetaInfo. The feature was initially introduced to beta testers through iOS version and Android version
In instances demonstrated by WABetaInfo, tapping the HD icon brings up a “photo quality” menu, presenting two resolution choices: standard quality (1600 x 1052) and HD quality (4096 x 2692). While Meta hasn’t provided precise details about overall image compression and the comparison to rival platforms like Apple’s iMessage, the higher-quality images will still adhere to WhatsApp’s end-to-end encryption.
On slower connections, recipients can decide between keeping the standard quality version or upgrading to HD. Meanwhile, the standard quality transmission remains the default for senders, mitigating the need for frequent storage clearing due to numerous images in group chats.
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