Vivo is preparing to introduce its latest lineup, the Vivo T2 series, in India following the launch of the Vivo V27 series. Although the official launch date has not been announced yet, reports suggest that the new Vivo T2 series will make its debut in mid-April. A dedicated microsite has been launched on Flipkart, featuring a silhouette of the rear design without revealing any launch date details. The Vivo T2 series will be the successor to last year’s Vivo T1 lineup, which included multiple models.
Specification Vivo T2 5G(speculated)
The upcoming Vivo T2 5G and T2x 5G smartphones are expected to feature Full HD+ displays, 8 GB of RAM, and 128 GB of storage. Both devices will come preloaded with FunTouch OS based on Android 13. The T2 is anticipated to feature the Snapdragon 695, while the T2x is expected to come equipped with the Dimensity 700 chipset. Other specifications of these smartphones are yet to be revealed by the company.
According to reports, both smartphones are likely to be priced below Rs 20,000 (~$243), with the T2x being one of the most affordable 5G smartphones from Vivo. However, it is advisable to wait for more teasers from the brand to confirm the key features of the Vivo T2 5G series.
In related news, Vivo is preparing to hold a mega launch event in China in the next few days, where multiple products, including the Vivo Pad 2 tablet and new foldable phones such as the Vivo X Fold 2 and Vivo X Flip, are expected to be unveiled.