Reliance Jio has unveiled its debut laptop in India, which is available for purchase on the Government e-Marketplace (GeM) portal. The laptop, named Jio Qualcomm Snapdragon 665 11.6 Inch Netbook, is priced at ₹19,500. The specifications of the laptop can also be found on the GeM portal.
Although JioBook is already on sale, it is currently only available for purchase by government departments through the Government e-Marketplace (GeM) portal. The company plans to make the laptop available to the general public during the Diwali holiday. The laptop is currently on display at the 6th edition of the India Mobile Congress (IMC) which is ongoing.
The Jio laptop, as listed on the Government e-Marketplace website, is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 665 octa-core processor, and features a standard form factor with metallic hinges and an ABS plastic chassis. It also runs on Jio’s own operating system, JioOS. The laptop has 2GB of LPDDR4X RAM, with no expandability option, and 32GB of eMMC
The Jio laptop features an 11.6-inch HD LED-backlit anti-glare display with a resolution of 1366×768 pixels and is non-touch. In terms of ports, it has a USB 2.0, a USB 3.0, an HDMI port, microSD card slot but no USB Type-C ports. The laptop also supports wireless connectivity through Wi-Fi 802.11ac, Bluetooth version 5.2, and 4G mobile broadband. Additionally, it has dual internal speakers and dual microphones, a standard-size keyboard, and a touchpad with multi-gesture support, but there is no fingerprint scanner on the device.
The Jio laptop has a battery capacity of 55.1-60Ah, which provides a backup of up to 8 hours. The device weighs 1.2 kg, and it comes with a one-year brand warranty.