Realme Narzo N55 is scheduled to launch in India on April 12, and the company has been gradually disclosing its key features prior to the official unveiling. Most recently, the brand showcased the phone’s rear design and has now confirmed its charging capabilities. According to the latest update, the Realme Narzo N55 will be the fastest charging phone in its price range, with 33W SuperVOOC charging support. Although the battery size hasn’t been revealed, the company claims that the device can reach a 50% charge in a mere 29 minutes.
It is highly probable that the Narzo N55 will sport a 5,000mAh battery. To ensure safe charging, the device will feature fire-resistant construction and a 5-core protection system, as per the company’s announcement. While Realme phones are typically available on Flipkart, the Narzo N55 will be exclusively sold on Amazon, much like other Narzo series phones.
The dual-tone design of the Narzo N55 is quite eye-catching, with a glossy top section that houses the dual-camera setup and LED flash, and a matte lower section with the Narzo branding. The bottom edge of the phone features a 3.5mm headphone jack, a USB-C port, a microphone, and a speaker grille.
Featuring a side-mounted fingerprint scanner, the Narzo N55 is likely to be available in Prism Blue and Prism Black color options. Although the front design hasn’t been revealed yet, the phone is expected to come in various configurations, including 4 GB RAM + 64 GB storage, 4 GB RAM + 128 GB storage, 6 GB RAM + 64 GB storage, 6 GB RAM + 128 GB storage, and 8 GB RAM + 128 GB storage.