In a groundbreaking collaboration, OnePlus and OPPO, two prominent names in the Android smartphone arena, have joined forces to introduce their first foldable phone, aptly named the OnePlus Open. The revelation came through an insightful interview with Pete Lau, CEO of OnePlus, on Unbox Therapy, shedding light on the unique features and technological marvels behind this anticipated device.
Pete Lau disclosed that the OnePlus Open is backed by over 600 patents, showcasing the company’s dedication to innovation. Notably, the foldable hinge design alone boasts 35 patents, emphasizing the meticulous engineering invested in its creation. Compared to the hinge on the OPPO Find N2, the OnePlus Open’s hinge is not only 37% smaller but also features 31 components less, making it lighter and more durable.
Retaining the hallmark OnePlus features, the foldable phone includes an alert slider on the left and a side-mounted fingerprint scanner embedded into the power button on the right, below the volume rockers. The phone’s speakers are strategically placed on both the top and bottom for an immersive audio experience. Additionally, the USB Type-C Port and SIM slot are located at the bottom, while the secondary microphone graces the top. The metal frame showcases antenna bands, completing the device’s aesthetic appeal.
What sets the OnePlus Open apart is its collaborative development, combining the expertise of the OPPO team in foldable design and camera technologies with OnePlus’ reputation for a fast and smooth user experience, burdenless design, and peak hardware performance. The CEO confirmed that the collaboration aims to synergize the strengths of both teams, creating a device that stands out in the competitive market.
The OnePlus Open is expected to have a variable go-to-market strategy, catering to different regions effectively. This strategic move aligns with the brands’ commitment to making the foldable phone accessible to a broader audience. Rumors suggest that the OnePlus Open will feature the highest pixel density among foldable displays, promising crystal clear visuals and a superior viewing experience.
While the collaboration signals a significant leap in the foldable phone market, some fans might be disappointed as Lau clarified that there are no immediate plans for a flip-style phone. Nevertheless, the OnePlus Open aims to redefine user expectations, offering a device that seamlessly merges innovation with user experience. The device’s rumored launch on October 19th is eagerly anticipated, promising an exciting chapter in the evolution of foldable smartphones.
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