India and France have embarked on a journey of strengthened collaboration in the field of space exploration. The Indian Space Association organized the first day of the 2nd edition of the Indian Space Conclave 2023, held from October 9th to 11th, 2023, at the Manekshaw Center in New Delhi. This annual three-day event serves as a platform for fostering innovation, encouraging collaboration, and establishing strategic partnerships within the rapidly evolving space sector.
The conclave has been graced by distinguished dignitaries from both the French and Indian space industries. Notable attendees include Thierry Mathou, Ambassador-Designate of France to India; Astronaut Thomas Pesquet from the European Space Agency (ESA); Stéphane Vesval, Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Airbus Defence and Space; Governor Shekhar Dutt, SM (Retired), Former Governor of Chhattisgarh, Defence Secretary, and Deputy National Security Advisor; Jayant Patil, Chairman of the Indian Space Association; and Lt. Gen. AK Bhatt (Retired), Director General of the Indian Space Association.
One of the significant highlights of the event was the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between ISpA (Indian Space Association) and GIFAS (Groupement des Industries Françaises Aéronautiques et Spatiales), the French Aerospace Industries Association. This MoU aims to strengthen mutual understanding of the capabilities within the space industry and raise awareness about business opportunities in both France and India.
The collaborative efforts between India and France in the field of space exploration are poised to bring about significant advancements and opportunities for both nations. As the Indian Space Conclave 2023 continues over the next two days, further developments in this burgeoning partnership are expected to unfold.
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