One WhatsApp number can now be used on two different mobile devices, thanks to new functionality being released by WhatsApp. Earlier this year, the Linked devices functionality was introduced, and now it is being upgraded. However, at this time, only platform beta testers have access to the most recent upgrade. It has not yet been rolled out to WhatsApp’s stable version, but the business may make it available to everybody in the coming months.
As it stands, each WhatsApp account can be used on a maximum of four devices (including smartphones, computers, and tablets). Users with more than one mobile device may appreciate the company’s plans to allow them to utilize the same WhatsApp number on each device.
To help users maintain track of their login information, WhatsApp will show how many gadgets are presently logged into a single account. For users, this means they can stop worrying about their accounts being hacked or used on a suspicious device. You can log out of WhatsApp on all of your devices, including your secondary phone, from your primary phone, which is a big plus.
What is the procedure for synchronising two phones with a single WhatsApp number?
Those interested in testing out the new function can do so by downloading the beta version of the WhatsApp messaging software. There is still a chance for you to join the app’s beta program, despite the fact that it is now at near capacity. Navigate to the Google Play Store and look for the WhatsApp app. Upon opening, you will find the words “Beta Program” printed there. You will not be able to join the beta test if you see the notice “Beta program is filled.” If you want to participate in the beta test, keep checking the Play Store.
Here’s how beta users of WhatsApp can share a single WhatsApp number between two phones.
How can you use one WhatsApp number on two mobile phones –
- The first thing you should do is launch WhatsApp on your primary mobile device.
- Secondly, select the menu icon (it looks like three dots) in the upper right hand corner.
- Three, select “Linked devices” once more.
- After that, select “connect a device,” and a QR code will appear on the screen.
Steps for Secondary Phone –
When you join the beta test, you’re automatically enrolled and don’t need to do anything else. You have always been a part of it. Simply download WhatsApp to your secondary device, then sign in.