The Google Pixel 7 series launched in September with a 50-megapixel main back camera. The next products from the tech titan are rumored to be the Pixel 8 & Pixel 8 Pro. Staggered High Dynamic Range (HDR) capability may be coming to Google’s next-gen flagship devices. The next Pixel phone from Google is rumored to include a Samsung ISOCELL GN2 sensor with Staggering High Dynamic Range (HDR) functionality. The Google Tensor SoC 3 could be used.Â
Tipster Kuba Wojciechowski (@Za Raczke) discovered hints about the future Pixel 8 series smartphones, Shiba & Husky, in the Google Camera Go app. The app’s internal source code for the upcoming handsets is shown in a screenshot provided by the insider. It includes support for HDR that is timed out over the course of several frames. Multiple frames can be taken at different exposure times to get the best possible HDR effect. It also appears from the leak that Google will improve the primary camera in their upcoming Pixel devices.Â
Samsung’s ISOCELL GN1 sensors are used in the current generation of Google’s Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro devices. Leaks suggest that Samsung’s ISOCELL GN2, which supports staggered HDR, will be included in the Pixel 8 lineup. The ISOCELL GN1 replacement is equipped with a 50-megapixel picture sensor with Smart ISO Pro for taking photos in dim lighting. With four-pixel-binning technology, the 1/1.12-inch ISOCELL GN2 sensor can mimic a 2.8-micron pixel.Â
In September, Google released the Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro, both of which are powered by the second-generation Tensor G2 SoC. Google’s Pixel 7 retails at Rs. 59,999 ($799) in India, while the Pixel 7 Pro retails for Rs.Â
The Pixel 7’s primary camera is 50 megapixels, while the secondary camera is 12 megapixels and has an ultra-wide-angle lens. In contrast, the Pixel 7 Pro’s triple rear camera configuration consists of a 50-megapixel primary sensor, a 12-megapixel secondary sensor including an ultra-wide-angle lens, with a 48-megapixel telephoto lens that supports both 30x Super Resolution Zoom & 5x optical zoom. The front-facing cameras on both phones are 10.8 megapixels.