boAt, India’s leading audio and wearables brand, has unveiled its latest creation, the Men’s Cricket World Cup anthem, titled “India-India.” This anthem pays homage to the unwavering spirit of cricket in India and features the powerful vocals of renowned singer Vishal Dadlani, complemented by lyrics from celebrity writer Prashant Ingole.
India’s first-ever music video created using AI imagery
The music video accompanying the anthem has another remarkable feature, it is India’s first-ever music video completely crafted using AI imagery. This video captures the deep-rooted love for cricket across diverse age groups, genders, and regions in the country.
Mr. Aman Gupta, Co-Founder and CMO of boAt said, “We are thrilled to launch our new Men’s Cricket World Cup anthem, ‘India-India,'” said Mr. Aman Gupta, Co-Founder and CMO of boAt. “Cricket is more than just a sport in India; it is a way of life. This anthem is our tribute to the spirit of cricket and the millions of fans who are passionate about the game. We hope that it will inspire and unite the nation as we cheer on Team India in the World Cup.”
The music video for “India-India” is a visual feast, showcasing the diversity and love for cricket in “I am honored to be a part of this special anthem,” said Vishal Dadlani. “Cricket is a religion in India, and it is a privilege to be able to sing about a sport that brings so much joy to so many people. I hope that this anthem will inspire and unite the nation as we cheer on Team India in the upcoming World Cup.”
“The spirit of cricket in India is truly unique,” said Prashant Ingole. “It is a sport that brings people together from all walks of life. I am grateful for the opportunity to write an anthem that celebrates this spirit. I hope that ‘India-India’ will become a rallying cry for cricket fans across the country as we support Team India in the World Cup.”
YouTube link for the video:
boAt’s innovative approach to creating a music video showcases their commitment to technology and innovation. The brand has a strong association with cricket and counts several famous cricketers, including Hardik Pandya, Shreyas Iyer, Ishan Kishan, and Jemi Rodrigues, as brand ambassadors, known as “boAtheads.” With its “Made in India” identity, boAt is set to amplify the “INDIA INDIA” chant as India conquers the world.
The boAt Men’s Cricket World Cup anthem, “India-India,” was conceptualized by Tagglabs Agency and is now available for streaming on all major music platforms. The music video can be watched on the boAt YouTube channel.
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