The Redmi A1 and Redmi A1+ smartphones were launched in India in September 2022, with similar specifications. Both devices are designed to provide a basic Android experience, featuring the MediaTek Helio A22 SoC and running Android 12 (Go edition) out of the box. However, according to a recent report, the Redmi A1 may receive an upgrade soon, as a new variant of the device has been spotted on a certification website.
A budget Redmi device with a new model number, 23026RN54G, has reportedly been found on the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) certification website, according to a Xiaomiui report. The certificate shows that the main difference between this model and the older one (220733SL) is the platform. The new device is now powered by a MediaTek Helio P35 (MT6765X) processor, which is a more powerful upgrade from the previous MediaTek Helio A22 (MT6761) processor. This suggests that the Redmi A1 could receive a hardware update with the new MediaTek Helio P35 processor.
According to the report, the new device is codenamed “water” and it will run Android 13 out-of-the-box as per the data from the FCC. The device will also run the Android 13 (Go edition) as per the data from the FCC. The development of the Android 13 software for the handset also suggests that the smartphone could be announced soon. It is unclear whether the upcoming Redmi device, expected to be an upgraded version of the Redmi A1, will have the same design as the previous model.
The Xiaomi Redmi A1 was launched in India in September with a single variant, featuring 2GB of RAM and 32GB of storage, and is priced at Rs. 6,499. The Redmi A1+ was then introduced a month later.