On Tuesday, OnePlus unveiled its latest flagship smartphone, the OnePlus 11 5G, in New Delhi. Along with it, the company also introduced an “R” version of the flagship series, the OnePlus 11R. The phone boasts top-of-the-line specifications, but it utilizes the previous generation Snapdragon 8+ chipset, instead of the latest Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 found on the OnePlus 11.
Availability and Cost
The OnePlus 11R is positioned as a lower-priced option compared to the flagship OnePlus 11. The phone comes in two color options: Galactic Silver and Sonic Black. It is offered in two different storage configurations: 8GB RAM and 128GB storage for Rs 39,999, and 16GB RAM and 256GB storage for Rs 44,999. Pre-orders for the device commence on February 21.
Features and Specifications
The OnePlus 11R is equipped with a 6.7-inch 120Hz Super Fluid Display that features ADFR 2.0 technology and boasts a resolution of 2772 x 1240. It features the new HyperTouch Engine for a precise and stable touch experience and has received a TÜV SÜD Precise Touching S Rating.
The phone is powered by the Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 Mobile Platform and offers up to 16GB of LPDDR5X RAM. The advanced cooling system, HyperBoost Gaming Engine, and support for 100W SUPERVOOC charging make it ideal for demanding activities like mobile gaming. The phone has received a TÜV SÜD 48-month Fluency Rating A, ensuring its future-proof performance.
The OnePlus 11R comes with a triple camera system and a 5000mAh battery with Battery Health Engine technology that maintains optimal battery health even after prolonged usage. The phone has also received TÜV Rheinland Certification for Safe Charging and Usage.
The device boasts a sleek laser-cut design with a glossy finish. According to OnePlus founder Pete Lau, the OnePlus 11R takes the company’s signature fast and smooth performance to new heights at a competitive price point.