OnePlus has announced the release of its latest flagship smart TV, the OnePlus TV 65 Q2 Pro, as an addition to its premium Q Series portfolio that was first introduced in 2019 with the launch of the OnePlus TV Q1 and Q1 Pro. The product is set to be unveiled on February 7th, 2023 at the Cloud 11 launch event in Delhi, alongside the release of the OnePlus 11 and OnePlus Buds Pro 2.
The Q Series from OnePlus represents the company’s commitment to bringing top-of-the-line technology and premium visual and sound features to its customers in India. The OnePlus TV 65 Q2 Pro is expected to take this effort to a new level.
“Ever since we entered the smart TV market in 2019 with our premium OnePlus TV Q1 series, we have been witnessing incredibly positive response in this segment from our community. This also propelled us to emerge amongst the leading smart TV brands in India. And now, we are excited to bring back our much-awaited Q Series offering with the upcoming launch of the OnePlus TV 65 Q2 Pro.” shared Pete Lau, Founder of OnePlus .
The new OnePlus TV 65 Q2 Pro is designed to offer a range of advanced hardware and software features, and serve as the centerpiece of a premium, connected ecosystem experience. The company’s goal is to set new standards in the smart TV industry with unparalleled quality and an effortless user experience.
As part of its renewed strategy in 2020, OnePlus has been expanding its product portfolio across different categories and price points. The brand has also been committed to meeting the diverse needs and aspirations of the Indian consumer.
In keeping with this commitment, OnePlus has been actively expanding its product lines across smartphones, smart TVs, and IoT segments, while providing a seamless connected ecosystem experience to its Indian community. In line with these efforts, OnePlus will be further strengthening its connected ecosystem portfolio with the upcoming launch of the highly-anticipated OnePlus TV 65 Q2 Pro, OnePlus 11 5G, and OnePlus Buds Pro 2. This will offer a range of flagship OnePlus products that deliver a premium user experience.